Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Rennes, the capital of the department of Ille-et-Vilaine and the Brittany region, has more than 210,000 inhabitants. It is the most populous city in Brittany and is the 8th largest city in France in terms of number of students. The name Rennes comes from the Redones, the name of the Gallic people living in this part of Armorica in the 2nd century BC. J. C. Its economy is relatively dynamic and has become one of the first clusters in Europe in the field of new information and communication technologies. Classified among the Cities and Countries of Art and History, it has eighty-five monuments that are listed or listed under the Historic Buildings.
It is part of the Communauté d'agglomération "Rennes Métropole".

The Rennais live in a town that was called "Condate" by the Gauls before the Redons called it "City of Redons". It is a city which has not been invaded by barbarian goths or vandals, but which was often attacked by the Picts and Saxons.

After taking its independence, Rennes was taken over by the sons of Charlemagne. After many adventures and battles between Rois de France and partisans of the independence of Britain, Rennes became definitively the land of the Kingdom of France.

Located in the Bassin de Rennes, the city is a dynamic center. The city concentrates several military activities including the Army Electronics High School. It is also a large university and an industrial hearth. Automotive constructions, electronic development and publishing printing have a prominent place.

Very demanded for mutations and the proximity of the sea, Rennes has experienced a major real estate inflation in recent years. You will visit the old wooden houses along the cathedral and some rich museums.

The emblematic center of Rennes is perfectly integrated into the urban fabric of the conurbation, thanks to an old-fashioned and thoughtful urban planning policy, favoring the natural areas, favoring public transport and non-polluting modes of transport: metro, bicycle.

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